Madieke Marjon knew since childhood that she wanted to be a singer. That drive has remained throughout the years and naturally she studied singing at the conservatory after high school. Now she has been on stage for years and impresses every listener with her warm, powerful mezzo-soprano voice. Among other things, she shines in André Rieu's orchestra and in countless operas.

Three of these operas she wanted to bring to life and we were happy to help with that. The series became a special set of portraits in three different styles. The unique dresses came from none other than Linda Friesen. The endless details in the dresses enhance Madieke's already powerful character. We cannot but be extremely proud of this beautiful collaboration.

Madieke Marjon
project type:
Photography & Postprocessing
February 2021
Supplied by us:
- Photography
- Venues
- Makeup
- Gowns